Stop Doing New Year's Resolutions with this Simple Change
The new year is here and you’re probably shopping for the latest exercise equipment or looking into joining a gym — again.
I hear ya! I usually gain weight each winter, but now I just accept it as part of my winter routine! Lol.
I used to write out a bunch of New Year’s resolutions and then promptly forget about them. If I happened to find them a few months later, I would feel pretty disgusted with myself for not following through.
But then, a friend of mine told me about an alternative to New Year’s resolutions. Instead of making a list of impossible goals, she chooses just one word to guide her as a mantra for the year. The new year is here and you’re probably shopping for the latest exercise equipment or looking into joining a gym — again.
Doesn’t that sound more realistic?
Just one word. Last year, my word was “trust.” I chose the word “trust”--not so much for trusting other people but as in trusting myself.
Well, be careful about what word or intention you put into the universe. The year 2024 has kicked my butt as I had to really trust and advocate for myself in regards to my health. My blood pressure skyrocketed in March for no apparent reason and many doctors wanted to just blame genetics (which my genetics are amazing) or say, “Well, this is what happens with old age.” I had to trust myself and push to get answers. It wasn’t just old age or genetics but rather a rare situation (1 in 10,000) that a coil had moved and had embedded into my left kidney and ureter. My left kidney was only functioning at 10%. No wonder my blood pressure skyrocketed! I was really proud of myself for pushing to get answers despite what all of the experts were saying.
Needless to say, I will not be choosing the word “trust” again. I got that lesson already. (Thank you 2024!) So, now I looking for a new word for the new year to see what I want to manifest in my life.
I have so many things I wanted to do this year. I was planning on traveling to fifty countries for my 50th birthday. You know me. I’m always pushing and striving. Go, go, go!
Yet, there are many other important things that will conflict. I launched my first book Nobody Dies in Art Class so I’ll be busy setting up book tours and guest podcasting. All the while, I need to keep the rest of the business going.
Recently, my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson have moved back into town and I started having “Nonna Days” with Axel. I am absolutely loving this precious time with him. He and I went on a walk yesterday. He was so happy finding mushrooms and discovering all the little things that nature shares.
“Do you hear that, Nonna? Is that a bird or frog making that noise? Do you see that, Nonna? That’s a baby mushroom but my dad told me not to touch them. Just look.” I love this little guy so much and the thought of missing out on these days while traveling is causing some pain.
The truth is I’m really loving doing less. I’m not sure what my 50th year holds. I know I’ll be traveling some because that is always a part of my life, but maybe I’ll be stretching out visiting all those countries out a bit over the years. I mean, I don’t have to conquer everything at once. I am starting to see the beauty and goodness of resting and just being.
My body is forcing me to slow down. I no longer have the choice. It’s commanding me to listen, or else.
So maybe this year my word will be about that: present. I hope it will help me focus and be grateful for where I am right now.
Whatever I do this year, I am going to endeavor to stay in the moment and not miss the small things.
What about you? What would you like to do this year? What’s a word that can define your 2025?
Cheers to the new year and to you, my dear friend!
P.S. If you need some inspiration and something to kickstart your year, click here for my new book
1. Make this year awesome by joining me in Tanzania.
2. Start this year off right by creating time for yourself in the studio.